Friday, January 3, 2014

Toddler tips

I'm a hypocrite. 

When I was pregnant, my husband & I were so sure of the type of parents we were going to be. Our daughter, Mia was going to eat SO healthy & "none of that electronics at the dinner table nonsense."  Everything seemed so black and white. Then, 12 months later we have an independent, teething,  toddler/monster (sorry, Mia!) on our hands and bam, our pre-conceived ideas of how to be a perfect parent fly out the window. 

So I'm siting at Saltgrass with my in-laws, trying to decide if I'd rather have every body in the restaurant hate me,  or give my overstimulated, tired,  (don't forget about the teething) daughter the cellphone she is so desperately & very loudly trying to obtain. I imagine that in her mind, it's TOTALLY insane to sit at a table for  (gasp) an hour or more when it really only takes 5 minutes to eat two bites of sweet potato which is all she seemed to think she needed for dinner that night. 

That evening, I had an epiphany. There are, in fact, other people who have gone through the same exact challenges we're going through & there is a vast sea of knowledge just one click away. Thank you internet! After finding a multitude of websites & reading half of ton's of articles, I am happy to report that I may actually be a good parent & my toddler is just a toddler. 

I have comprised a little "goody bag" via a pinterest board, full of wonderful toddler tips. Everything from healthy foods that your kiddo might actually eat,  to encouraging independent play (so you can maybe take a shower) to some comical relief is included! 
Here is the link: Goody bag

Some of my personal favorites:
For yummy, organic,  baby recipes:
 *Their "one to grow on" birthday cake was a hit with Mia. 

Baby app I love:webmdbaby

Awesome chart to remind you of all the stuff your kid hasn't eaten yet today. 

My favorite, stress-free toddler activity of the week:
1. Find a large, very sturdy, (the freezer kind) ziplock bag.
2. Obtain some cheap paint
3. Squeeze two colors of paint into bag & seal it tightly
4. Tape bag to window. From my experience, I say the more tape the better. 
5. Let your child draw on & squish paint around. This is also a great time to discuss things like blue + yellow+green! 
6. Sit back and smile, because you're totally owning this parenting thing. ©

A few tips of my own:
1. A good playlist always make for a better day. With the right jams, you can turn a tantrum into a dance party almost instantly.  For awesome playtime background music, check out Rockabyebaby

2. Rearrange their room. I discovered this when I had to rearrange her room to make a place for Christmas decorations. All her toys were repositioned & she spent a lot of time exploring & playing with toys that she had forgotten she had.

3. Bubbles. Ok, everybody knows kids love bubbles, but can I recommend Gymboree's bubbles? The ones they sell at their gyms, are amazing! They're non-toxic & sugar based which mean they last forever. Literally, I'll find bubbles stuck to my furniture two days later. Also, they have a very effective, mess-free blower. It also works to put water in the bubble tray & let your little one go to town "blowing bubbles".

 Feel free to pass this on to someone you think could enjoy it. I'd also love it if you would leave a comment & let me know what tricks you've got up your sleeve to deal with a moody toddler.


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